Alphawave #4: AA..LL & Glass Engine
Doors: 19:30
Start time: 20:00
The fourth Alphawave wants to contradict the idea that transcendence, ecstasy and enlighting happens only through the most noble, metaphysics part of our being, maybe our “soul” or our brain. We can be equally transported “on the other side” by objective, physical and fleshy practices.
Both AA..LL and Glass Engine manipulate physical objects, and get lost into the realm of reality, until this will seems finally unreal. At the end, what is reality?
AA..LL is a Berlin-based artist. In her experimental sound collages with self built electronics and taped reality she is responding to the movement of body and mind, deeply affected by our rushing era. Her iinterest in sound is always very physical. Feeling it, getting deep into single layers and travel with it, using self built electronics and focused on simple rhythms, repetitions and pure oscillations. Her question is always how does sound influence us and how does the way of listening shapes our perception – or the other way around. Her performances are closely inspired by the praxis of meditation-how to get to a more physical elementary level – still using noises and every day sounds.
Glass Engine is a performance collaboration project between German scientist and sound artist Analytical Engine and French artist Glass Nest. In the performance, the sound is produced by physical and visible source and is treated to make it unreal. Glass Nest builds hybrid installations made of glass bulbs, water harps, boilers and ice cubes, through which natural elements generate sounds quickly amplified and distorted into synthetic drone tunes, endlessly oscillating between subtle ambiences and dense walls of noise. Analytical Engine uses and processes the sounds through layers of homemade algorithms and eerie chopped-up voice, always alternating between aethereal feeling and harsh noise.