14 April 2016 | 20:00

alphawave 6: Aidan Baker & Samuel Moncharmont #136

Doors: 19:30
Start time: 20:00

Finally at its 6th edition, this coming alphawave session hosts Canadian-born artist Aidan Baker and the French sound artist Samuel Moncharmont. Both demonstrate an exquisite ability to go beyond - or transcend - their primary instrument to create something totally surprising, unexpected, and, as you are already used to in this series, ecstatic.

Aidan Baker is a classically-trained multi-instrumentalist and highly prolific artist. He has released numerous recorded works, both solo and with various group projects—most notably his dreamsludge duo project, Nadja and his own imprint, Broken Spine Productions. Baker is also the author of several books of poetry. Baker has performed extensively around the world, including appearances at such international festivals as FIMAV, SXSW, Incubate, Unsound, and Mutek, among others. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Baker currently resides in Berlin, Germany.

Samuel Moncharmont was born in France, nearby Lyon in 1981. As a sound producer and visual artist, he has been fascinated by the moving body for several years already – specifically its motion through defined, sometimes enclosed, spaces. In this upcoming alphawave he’ll present two audiovisual works: «O» (12 min, 2015) and «LICHT 00000000 11111111» (10min - 2012). This latter one has a live sound score. « O » will be presented as world premiere next Thu. originates from the simple idea of reducing an opera to its most quintessential and minimal form. The result is a spectacle in one act interacting three protagonists – three emblematic embodiments of live representation.