08 March 2016 | 19:30

Artgames meetup 005

Community meeting

Start time: 19:30

Artgames is a community of artists using game technology &/or game design to create artistic &/or experimental works. We get together once a month to present and support each others projects and discuss concepts related to interactive art in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, followed by general discussion over drinks.

Absolutely everybody is welcome, all levels of experience and all walks of life!!! - So long as you RSVP ;^) We practice the Safe Space Policy, more information on Meetup


19:30 - Talks / Presentations / Questions / Open Mic
 Once again, short presentations about all things art and games. Working on something? Show us. Want to talk about specific themes or ideas related to interactive art? Lets do that. Everything and anything, go crazy.

21:30 onwards - General Discussion
Drinks & people & all things art games.

/// Presentations must be planned in advance (so we can cut it off at 9:30 and have time for socialising) ///