Artgames meetup 011
Community meeting - One Year Anniversary Special!
Start time: 19:30
Artgames is a community of artists using game technology &/or game design to create artistic &/or experimental works. We get together once a month to present and support each others projects and discuss concepts related to interactive art in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, followed by general discussion over drinks.
Artgames 011 marks one year of art+games, thank you very much to everyone involved for making this community cooler than my wildest dreamz!
Absolutely everybody is welcome, all levels of experience and all walks of life!!! - So long as you RSVP ;^) We practice the Safe Space Policy, more information on Meetup.
19:30 - Talks / Presentations / Questions / Open Mic
21:30 onwards - General Discussion
Drinks & people & all things art games.
/// Presentations must be planned in advance (so we can cut it off at 9:30 and have time for socialising) ///