Berlin Modular #2: Free for all
Community meeting
Start time: 18:00 / free entrance
Berlin Modular aims to bring the modular synthesizer, the experience of building one, and it's luscious sounds to all people and aliens alike. We want to meet up with other enthusiasts to: build modular synthesizers, plan future events, share demonstrations and performances with.
For the second edition we bring you an open DIY & Jam Session. Do you have that modular DIY kit lying around you never or half built, or is there one module you are screaming to build? You can build a DIY kit of your choice, you can come to jam, you can come to hang out, or you can come for it all! We will provide soldering irons and lead-free solder. We also have some testing equipment and misc. tools you will need for DIY. We are here to help you with your projects.
Anyone is welcome to join. The only rule is you bring one instrument for the first jam session: 1 modular case, 1 sequencer, 1 keyboard, 1 effects pedal, or? …
Inter-patching between users will be highly encouraged! We only ask that the jammers get there right at the start time, so we can set it up and organize our jamming groups.
We would like to have up to 12 people building kits, and 12 people jamming. You can sign up for both categories if you like. You will have about 5 hours to build, so take that into account and don't get a crazy complex kit if you are a beginner.
See you soon! Please make a post or send an email to to sign up to jam or build!