Berlin Science Communication 2.0 Stammtisch (#BSWK)
Community meeting
Start time: 19:30
On the last Wednesday of every month, science journalists, science outreach professionals, and anyone interested in science communication meet to discuss developments in the field of science communication at the public Berlin Science Communication 2.0 Stammtisch (#BSWK). There are both themed as well as spontaneous discussion to start off, based on what people are working on or what everyone would most like to talk about. The Stammtisch is organized by Wiebke Hahn and Jörg Weiss.
This November meetup will focus on questions such as: How can the “maker movement” and “science hacking culture” engage people in science and technology? What role can science institutes and science outreach professionals play in collaborations between hackers, makers on the one hand and science institutions on the other hand? Peggy Sylop, Kati Hyyppä, Niklas Roy and Sebastian Seitz will be there to talk about their work.
Sebastian Seitz arbeitet als Projektmanager im Bereich “Future of Work” bei der Technologiestiftung Berlin. Hier ist er auch für die Hacking Boxen verantwortlich, welche kostenfrei ausgeliehen werden können, um Events zu organisieren auf denen Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen das Hacken und Coden näher gebracht wird.
Peggy Sylopp is a freelance computer scientist, artist and teacher. 2016 she took her raspberry pi robot lab to her art scholarship at Brasil Goethe institute, where she produced an art exhibition with other artists and students of art and computer science of UFRGS. This year she designed the award-winning maker-concepts of "DIY-limbs" for Annemarie Hackel and "Made for my Wheelchair" for Raul Krauthausen in coop with Fab Lab Berlin.
Niklas Roy and Kati Hyyppä are Berlin-based artists, who work with DIY electronics, code and mechanics. Drawing inspiration from popular science and the history of inventions, they approach technology with a playful twist, applying an aesthetic which lies somewhere between serious engineering and kitsch. Besides their collaborative workshops and installations, both also pursue their own projects. You can find out more about Niklas' and Kati's works on their websites: