10 July 2018 | 19:30

Berlin vvvv meetup #2

  • Start time: 19:30
  • Entrance: free

This is the Meetup for vvvv and VL interested open minds in Berlin. It is a place to meet and exchange ideas and experiences. It is open to anyone who wants to join, no matter if you are a vvvv expert or beginner, a famous or breadless artists, a designhead or technologist, a piano player or techno musician. We are especially open for newcomers and curious beginners and we try to make this meetup as diverse as possible but with a focus on vvvv and VL.

Berlin Patchers. Our first meetup was a blast. Please see the Meetup Log here. Lets keep it up. Here is the second one.

This time we will have lasal (http://aristidesgarcia-blog.tumblr.com/) exposing some insights of his latest project. Hopefully this gets us inspired, so that we can have spontaneous discussions/talks/showcases following. So, feel free to bring your project/notebook/questions or whatever you want to share with the community.

There will be a bar serving us drinks. There will also be other people around as well. Thanks go to Lieke and Alfredo who are running the fantastic space Spektrum.

If you like: make yourself a member of our brand new meetup group on https://www.meetup.com/VVVV-Meetup-Berlin, and check yourself in.

This meetup follows the Berlin Code of Conduct (https://berlincodeofconduct.org/). Please read it before joining.

Do I need to know vvvv or vl to join this meetup?
 No, absolutely not. The presentations will be about projects, patches, plugins, contributions, or simple add ons made with or for vvvv, but you do not need to know it to enjoy the meetup.

What is going on at this meetup?
You come, grab a drink and listen. You grab the next drink and talk. We have one or two announced presentations followed by one or two spontaneous presentations by anyone who brought something to show... The focus should be in the processes, the decisions and the mistakes that occur during the development of an idea.