Big-DADA or dadacalypse or so #240
Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00
Entrance free
Audiovisual Performance and Lecture (German) by students of European Media Studies, University of Potsdam and University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam curated by Fritz Schlüter
Is DADA still alive? Is DADA a philosophy, a politics, a state religion? Is DADA actual energy? Or is it nothing, that means everything? (Raoul Hausmann)
With a primal scream DADA descended on mankind a 100 years ago. A radical refusal of conventional art, authority and establishment, DADA is hard to define. Nonsense? Revolution? Or simply: ANTI-arts?
Sound and simultaneist poems, sculptures and collages of found objects and trash are pieced together utilising contemporary media, to be then disfigured, misused, deconstructed or destroyed again. "Only Dadaists know what Dada is. And they don't tell anyone" they used to say – just to kick off their next obscure performance.
In spring 2016, 12 avowed admirers of DADA locked themselves into a lab at University of Potsdam for 105 hours to listen to 537 DADA Sound collages. What would DADA sound like a 100 years after its formation? Experimenting with sound, language, and montage, the project bridges a gap between 1916 and 2016.
"Big-DADA or Dadacalypse or so" starts with a lecture featuring historical sound samples, and moves on to a presentation of the projects' results, including a live performance and rrmmss dig gedae rep dep.
A project by students of European Media Studies, University of Potsdam and University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, directed by Fritz Schlüter, including works by Florian Eichner, Malin Drosihn, Nefeli Giolas, Lisa Hein, Cajsa-Lisa Linder Lodén, Daniela Schönwald, and Till Rückwart.