16 March 2019 | 11:00 - 17 March 2019 | 17:00

Biosonology workshop by Domenico Scianjno

  • Level: no experience needed
  • Costs: 20€ (6h / 1day)
  • Max number of participants: 22 people
  • Sign-up: alfredo@spektrum.community

The biosonological sound stimulation on the mental level expands consciousness, favoring a deep meditative state in which intuitions and new creative solutions can emerge, at the same time on the physical plane facilitates the dissolving of energy blocks and counteracts stress keeping in balance the nervous, hormone and immune systems.

Spontaneous and sensible movements, intended as a natural response to the body's need to translate into motion the external stimuli of sound vibrations and induced inner resonances, expand this deep listening experience.

The body will thus be able to savor its natural response to internal and external stimuli away from preconceived schemes and conditioning. Thanks to the Resonance principle, the body is facilitated in maintaining or restoring the natural frequency of the internal organs by activating self-healing processes and dynamizing the energy centers connected to them.

More details about Biosonology online:

www.biosonology.org or

www.biosonologia.it (italian language).

about the workshop holder

Domenico Sciajno is a long-standing experimentalist involved in the world of digital music and arts. His interest for improvisation combined with the influences of an academic education brought his research to the creative possibilities for interaction between acoustic instruments, indeterminacy factors and their live processing by electronic devices or computers. His audiovisual compositions and performances bring visual and sonic material together using a completely personal and innovative perspective.

In Sciajno’s language, field recording and computer-generated processes coexist in synergetic relations, opening the doorway to an imaginary world where complexity and simplicity alternate and combine in a mesmerizing and abstract symbiosis. From 1992 he has been present as interpreter, improviser and composer in major international music and media arts festivals like, among others, Ars Electronica (Linz), Transmediale (Berlin), Donaueshingen Muziktagen (Germany), Musique Action (Nancy), Experimental Intermedia (New York), Electrofringe (Newcastle-Australia), Gaudeamus Music (Amsterdam), CalArts Festival (Los Angeles).
