Breaking up and down. Session 1 #323
Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00
Entrance 3-5 euro (up to your offer)
"Breaking up and down. Session 1" is a discussion by and for (queer) activists and artists and whoever ever had or broke a heart. We are aiming at politicizing individual suffering and developing an a(n)esthetics of breaking up (and down, consequentially).
The event will start out as a panel discussion on the political economy of breaking up based on artworks. Later, we will move the discussion into smaller groups. Everybody is encouraged to share art and experiences, taking aim at general questions like: "What interest does global capitalism have in an economy of dysfunctional love relationships?" "Why do we live the same story again and again?" and "Better to break up or die trying?" The event is based on an idea for an exhibition, focusing on the economic relevance of emotional proximity. It will thus end with a call for further action and development.
- zoya: translator, curator, organizer based in berlin. See: exhibit and
- Zara
- Antje Prust is a director and performer. Her interdisciplinary works comprise Trash/DIY performances, development of theatrical plays, installations and video. Her main interest lays with fictional bodies, subversion of language and participation by way of touch.
- Kandis Friesen is an interdisciplinary artist and cultural worker based in Montréal.
- Luce deLire is a cluster of identities, mostly known as a sophist, lover of public dancing, time traveler, philosopher and collector of mediocre jokes. She is working on and with treason, post secularism, self destruction, fascism and seduction - in mixed media.