21 October 2015 | 20:00

CiTiZEN KINO #46: Gentrifucking Lubricants & Notausgang

Donation welcome

Doors at 19:00
Media navigations begin at 20:00

CiTiZEN KINO #46: Gentrifucking Lubricants & Notausgang

The XLterrestrials are back in Berlin with a new edition of their CiTIZEN KINO series - a situational and cinematic engagement for tactical explorations. 

This edition: Housing Crisis, Shelter Rights, Mobility, Bunker Mentality, Neo-Colonialism and A Paradise Refuge for All

You can participate in the collection of media for the program, make suggestions, join the discussions for C-KiNO #46, here on the Titan Pad.


In the rabid new predatory climate, housing costs are now at the root of an indentured servitude, our trappings in the krapitalist economy. As a prime example, San Francisco is a city already floating in a kind of luxury excess gruel of irrelevant bubbles and agendas, and an array of manipulative industry imagined and managed by technocratic Cloudfarts.

And yet still XLterrestrial analysts found it to be a place shining light on the urgent directives to retain autonomy and sovereignty in the midst of these vicious games. Fight the system of exorbitant blood-sucking rents, land + property controls and you will be closer to a more tangible and inhabitable freedom.

Strategies to take this battle on are not obvious. Each territory has unique angles and urgencies, but for certain is a nasty global trend ! As we battle policy legislation, combat crony govts. with wacky-ass neo-liberal turbo drivers, as we resist forced evictions, or show solidarity for every new threatened social center and community space, we also can lose touch with many pro-active resources and creative maker- modes of living, outside and beyond the walls. Those things and places which nourish us on a daily basis.

As Bucky Fuller ingeniously said, ” You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ” But if your ideas are being preemptively shut-down, blocked, co-opted, and your time and energy are being harnessed by profiteers and 1% agendas, and the costs of living have colonized you, your movements can be effectively derailed, and territories lost. You cannot create alternatives if you’re wearing shackles designed by the economic system, and especially if you have no ground to stand on !

We’re not here to present easy answers to all that, we’re hear to listen. We stir it all up in front of your face, and see if , together, we have ideas to advance our causes and find those willing to join the fight to stay free !

And we will explore a variety of metroplitan and rural area forms of cultural resistance.

About C-KiNO

C-KiNO events are a hybrid of film, internet, theater, hacker culture, art happening and public forum. Each program is an interactive and tactical media performance, a live multi-dimensional cinema with co-curated screenings at its core. This is an ongoing series presented once-a-month at various venues, with the goal of planting a new “open-source” media platform to utilize a/v media materials with a passionate desire ( and urgency ) to upgrade community + collective intelligence in dangerously precarious times.

For the last 5 years, C-KINO (mostly based in Berlin) has been exploring new routes in media education, and working extensively with the genre of expanded or live cinema. But our techniques are less about the film arts and more about navigating a new community media communications which encourages a public re-embodiment of information, as opposed to passive downloads, cubicle-ized culture and spectacle/entertainment forms.