24 March 2017 | 18:00

Creative Output - Math Creations Art, Design, Math contest

Start time: 18:00 / free entrance

Are you ready for some creative output? 

The goal of the Math Creations contest for Art, Design and Mathematics is new creative ideas based on mathematical concepts and their realization.

The contest consists of three events: during this "Creative Output” event the participating teams will present their ideas. The jury will then choose the most promising math art projects. Enter for your chance to win grants of up to 3738 EUR for the realization of your most exciting and creative work. 

At our first Creative Input - Math Creations Art, Design and Math contest event on January 27, 2017 at the Technische Universität Berlin we hosted an evening of discussion with speakers from two special research fields, who gave inspirational ideas for contest participants.

The final staged Berlin event will be: “Exhibition” May 5, 2017, 6 pm at SPEKTRUM. The winner´s results of the productive phase are presented and exhibited. 

A professional film crew, directed by film-maker Ekaterina Eremenko (Colors of Math/ Чувственная математика, The Discrete Charm of Geometry will record the events as well as the realization process of the winning projects. A feature film will be produced to be screened internationally, starring all winners and their Math Creations.

Our jury members are:

  • Christoph Gengnagel, Professor and Director of the Institute for Architecture and Urban Development, Universität der Künste Berlin
  • Udo Walz, Hairdresser, Coiffeur Udo Walz
  • Florence von Gerkan, Professor for costume, Universität der Künste Berlin
  • Joanna Hofmann, Professor, University of Arts in Poznan, Director of Art & Science Node Berlin
  • Almut Grüntuch-Ernst and Armand Grüntuch, Architects, Grüntuch Ernst Architekten BDA
  • Jochen Brüning, Professor for Mathematics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Christina Bylow, Author, Journalist, i. a. for Vogue, Berliner Zeitung

The contest is organized by special research fields “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics” and “Raum - Zeit - Materie. Analytische und Geometrische Strukturen” in collaboration with IMAGINARY gGmbH. All events are open to the public and are free of charge!

More information about the Math Creation Project:
German: https://imaginary.org/de/project/math-creations
English: https://imaginary.org/project/math-creations
E-Mail: mathcreations@imaginary.org