31 October 2016 | 19:30
Creative VR #2
Community meeting
Start time 19:30
Second meetup in a series of events about artistic/creative virtual reality projects. Please RSVP on Meetup if you want to join.
We wanna connect artists with different backgrounds to push VR as a new medium and discuss the experiences people develop in VR. Our goal is to exchange knowledge about creating virtual worlds and interactions which are possible only in VR.
- TALK 1 : VR for Design and Art by Miguelangelo Rosario (http://mr-cyberdelics.club)
- TALK 2 : VR Experiments in Perception by Tore Knabe (http://tore-knabe.com)
- TALK 3 : VR & Neuroscience by Jessica Palmer (http://www.truekvlt.com)
Since its a halloween you can come in a costume but not necessarily - bring candies :)