09 July 2017 | 20:00

Daniel Craig / Warm Stranger #326

  • Doors: 20:00 
  • Start time: 20:30 
  • Entrance: 6-10 euro (up to your offer)

Daniel Craig
Improvised experimental set with laptop, controllers, mixer + feedback, tape recorder and contact microphone.

Warm Stranger - Real-time Sketches
Improvised electronic soundscapes which often resemble dark, psychedelic film soundtracks. Extensive use is made of field recordings and found sounds, as well as soft-synths and live looping.

Daniel Craig mines the depths of the audio spectrum. Tangling a web across time, his low drones and high crackles are caught somewhere between stasis and anti-stasis. Hailing from the Antipodean Republic of Melbourne, since late 2016 he has been based in Berlin. In this unfamiliar new home he has been lucky enough to play at various venues and events, including Sacred Realism's Series (Studio Acht), Experimontag (Madame Claude), Spektrum, Noiseberg and Loophole.

Daniel is interested in feedback, tape manipulation, no input mixing, memory, audio vérité, non-linearity, decay, greyness, Chris Marker, thinking about thinking and cats. In recent times, he has focused largely on developing ways to improvise in a live setting. In doing so he has eschewed the dance-influenced tropes of his earlier work in favour of beatless abstraction. However, by time you read this short ramble, dear reader, he may have found a new set of ideas that quicken his heart, rendering this list an awkward reminder of his former curiosities.


Warm Stranger is the latest project from James Annesley, an Australian electronic artist who started out as a jazz saxophonist. As Warm Stranger, he aims to create a feeling of darkness and mystery, but always with a light at the end of the tunnel. https://soundcloud.com/warmstranger