Eliad Wagner / Doron Sadja / Tatsuru Arai #322
Doors: 18:30
Free entrance
Warm up with DJ Saal-C, followed by:
Solo performance by Eliad Wagner
Eliad Wagner uses a modular synthesizer in his performance to explore the aesthetics of manual interference in automatic sound.
Doron Sadja - "a point, a line, a circle" is a kinetic sound performance centered around a single motorized speaker/light and is part of a larger series of works called “Airsonic Sculptures” that attempt to demonstrate the spatial and sculptural qualities of sound. Similar to how a 3D printer slowly prints an object one layer after another, "a point, a line, a circle" slowly pans sound and light around the room, allowing an interaction between movement, frequency, and acoustics to ‘print’ sonic shapes in space. Rather than resulting in a tangible 3 dimensional object, we are left with a composition whose form is a like a long exposure photograph of invisible sonic shapes.
Tatsuru Arai - Arkhitek-ton
This performance “Arkhitek-ton” is a new Sound-Visual work, based on Tatsuru Arai's algorithm system, which adds innovation to the principle of Serialism three-point: "structural", "complex" and "noisy". The algorithm sound is generated by state-of-the-art technology such as Artificial Intelligence, rather than by native human intelligence only.
Eliad Wagner (b. 1979, Israel) is a composer, performer, sound artist and lecturer. Holding academic degrees in physics and music, his activities explore the meeting point of composition and improvisation while addressing thoughts on synthesis, technology, autonomous processes, alternative scoring and live performance. By working with process and interference, Wagner examines the human natural relation with technology and specifically, the way it manifests in sound. In 2012 Wagner relocated to Berlin, where he currently lives and works. Wagner’s work has been published by Metropolis [US], Digital Kranky [DE], c.sides [DE/IL], Must Die [UK], Wachsender Prozess [DE] and concrete plastic [UK]. Among others, his work has been presented at STEIM, UDK, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Rotterdam International Film Festival and TU Berlin.
Doron Sadja is an American artist, composer, and curator whose work explores modes of perception and the experience of sound, light, and space. Working primarily with multichannel spatialized sound – combining pristine electronics with lush romantic synthesizers, extreme frequencies, dense noise, and computer-enhanced acoustic instruments, Sadja creates post-human, hyper-emotive sonic architecture. Although each of Sadja’s works are striking in their singular and focused approach, his output is diverse: spanning everything from 25 speaker sound works to stroboscopic smoke and light shows, 360 degree projection pieces, and motorized speaker systems that precisely track sound around a venue.
Doron has published work on 12k, ATAK, and Shinkoyo records, and has performed/exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof, PS1 MoMa, Miami MOCA, D’amelio Terras Gallery, Atonal Festival, Cleveland Museum of Art, STEIM, Norberg Festival, EMS Stockholm, STUK, CBK Amsterdam, Issue Project Room, and Roulette amongst others. Sadja co-founded Shinkoyo Records and the West Nile performing arts venue in Brooklyn (RIP), and has curated various new music/sound festivals around NYC. Sadja has collaborated with artists such as Tony Conrad, Aki Onda, Mario Diaz de Leon, Audrey Chen, Nenad Popov, and more.
Tatsuru Arai is a composer, sound and visual artist. He studied composition in Tokyo (BA/MA) and Berlin(MA). His works are performed in Germany, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Argentina, Mexico, Japan etc. His main artistic Thema is to integrate from classical compositions to new technology, and to present the fundamental physical nature of the universe in the form of perceptional experiences, that could say aesthetics of “geometric structure”. The human perception of sound, a physical phenomenon, influences human beings and the “geometric structure” is a fundamental pillar that allows us to understand the true nature of the universe. Creating a way to experience even a part of the nature of the universe through sound.