25 February 2017 | 20:00

Emiddio Vasquez / Spells Disaster #270

Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00
Entrance 7-12 euro (up to your offer)

Emiddio Vasquez - diagrammatics
A series of a/v performances on a hybrid system that reflect upon Deleuze's problematization of the digital. 

But it is still difficult to explain what an analogical diagram is, as opposed to a digital or symbolic code. Today we can relate it to the sonorous example of synthesizers. Analogical synthesizers are "modular": they establish an immediate connection between heterogeneous elements, they introduce literally unlimited possibility of connection between these elements, on a field of presence or finite plane whose moments are all actual and sensible. Digital synthesizers, however, are "integral": their operation passes through a codification, through a homogenization and binarization of the data, which is produced on a separate plane, infinite in principle, and whose sound will only be produced as the result of a conversion-translation

Spells Disaster (aka Juan Duarte Regino) - Æssemblage
An audiovisual exploration of feedback networks: interface and outcome, physical and ethereal manipulations. Based on the Assemblage Theory, the performance transposes hybrid artefacts to explore and affect embodied exteriority with sound and light. 

Born in Dominican Republic and raised in Cyprus, Emiddio Vasquez works at the interstice of media art, continental philosophy and mathematical thinking. He works with sound on both the stage and in the gallery space using different tools, including modular synthesizer and digital processes. https://soundcloud.com/emiddiovasquez

Spells Disaster (aka Juan Duarte Regino) works on interactions as a tool for generative art experiments . The exploration of digital and analog platforms as agents to transform that express sonically and visually materials. Meanwhile, a hybrid engagement between environment, users with artefacts and interfaces can work to explore new realities. http://juanduarteregino.com