18 November 2016 | 18:00 - 20 November 2016 | 23:00

Exhibition #7: Behavioural Machines

Opening: Friday 18 November 18:00 
Running daily from 16:00 - 23:00 
Entrance 5-10 euro (up to your offer)

Curated by Alfredo Ciannameo

The exhibition 'Behavioural Machines' explores the way in which mathematical models that describe complex natural phenomena have been used to create new audiovisual works applied to domains such as light sculpture, robotics and abstract film. Chaos theory, swarm behavior and processes of emerging life in the biological world (morphogenesis) are the three dimensions in which the selected projects unfold the beauty of modern algorithms.
Using their fundamental rules to set a visual language, these works challenge the audience to look inside the intelligence of the 'Mother of Design': Nature, while anticipating the contemporary debate underlying the science and technology that makes it possible to bring those representations to the next level by means of an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): the ultimate state in which the algorithm generates its own creative behaviour. 


  • So Kanno - LaserBugs (prototype)
    with projection mapping in collaboration with Krisjanis Rijnieks

  • TeZ - PLASM

  • Ran Ancor - Second Brain




So Kanno - LaserBugs (prototype)
“LaserBugs” is an audiovisual installation inspired by swarm intelligence. The algorithm refers to the synchronisation algorithm of fireflies. The installation consists of a bunch of small robots which comprise a self-organised system, which is a characteristic feature of swarm intelligence. Each robot communicates by an input/output system such as a laser-beam and light detector with an algorithm inspired by the synchronized blinking of a firefly. Robots generates rhythm and make sound by solenoids and emit laser-beams. Synchronisation emerges not by conductor but by communicating with each other. Conditions such as the size of place or density of robots and small change of parameters make dynamic effects to the composition. LaserBugs attempts to create an artificial nature phenomenon as new way of audiovisual experience.

Combined with the installation, Krisjanis Rijnieks and So Kanno collaborate to show the simulator of LaserBugs. This simulator was used by So Kanno to examine the behaviour of the robots before making it real, and has been reprogrammed by Krisjanis Rijnieks as a projection mapping.  

PLASM is an immersive, audiovisual installation that evokes an endless voyage through a continually transforming biological landscape. Inspired and informed by the work of computer science pioneer Alan Turing in mathematical biology, PLASM aims to explore and revive Turing’s research into the chemical basis of spontaneous pattern formation in the natural world (morphogenesis). Large scale moving images and ambisonics soundscape immerse the visitor into an ever evolving environment of organic forms resembling living cells, tissues, organs and other lifelike formations. Through its continual generative system, PLASM exemplifies Norbert Wiener's famous adage that "We are but whirlpools in a river of ever-flowing water. Not stuff that abides but patterns that perpetuate themselves."

Ran Ancor - Second Brain
Second Brain is an emotional machine that expresses the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality, through the modulation of different colors, revealing its moods, temperament and personality. The deep relationship between emotions and thoughts, is expressed through complex and chaotic behavioural patterns.

Krisjanis Rijnieks in collaboration with So Kanno - Laser Bugs Simulator (generative projection mapping installation, 2016)
This projection mapping installation reuses a part of a previously produced projection mapping installation Process (Krisjanis Rijnieks and Irina Spicaka) that was exhibited in SPEKTRUM in February 2016. The sculpture consisting of two-dimensional segments laid out in three-dimensional space has been present in the premises of Spektrum since the exhibition.
As a developer of his own open source projection mapping software (ofxPiMapper) which would be used for data-driven and generative art on the Raspberry Pi platform, Krisjanis sees the challenge in exploring different collaboration contexts with new media artists. This time it is the So-context. So Kanno is working on a robot-based artwork called Laser Bugs and has a Processing-based simulator as a part of it. Krisjanis takes that as an input and transforms it into a generative projection mapping solution packed into a single Raspberry Pi device.
The final outcome is a mix of imaginary, real and cyberspace. Multiple layers of projects merging into one unique object which contributes to the ever-alien SPEKTRUM-context.




So Kanno graduated from the Design Informatics program at Musashino Art University, completing the Institute of Advanced Media Art and Science. He uses technology, focusing on specific matters of matters like the relation between signal and noise, error and glitch: making things that he wants to see and observe.

Maurizio Martinucci (aka TeZ) is an Italian interdisciplinary artist and independent researcher, living and working in Amsterdam, who has collaborated with, amongst others, Adi Newton, Scanner, Kim Cascone, Saverio Evangelista, Taylor Deupree, Sonia Cillari, Chris Salter, Honor Harger, Luca Spagnoletti and Domenico Sciajno. He uses technology as a means to explore perceptual effects and the relationship between sound, light and space. In his works he TeZ focuses primarily on generative compositions with spatialized sound for live performances and installations, adopting custom developed software and hardware and featuring original techniques of sonification and visualization to investigate and magnify subtle vibrational phenomena. In recent years his research has extended to the ideation and creation of specific architectural structures and unconventional sound and light propagation methods to enhance immersivity and multisensory perception. TeZ is also the brainfather of the ‘Optofonica’ platform for Synesthetic Art-Science, located in Amsterdam.

Ran Ancor is a Berlin based artist who is mainly dedicated to light research and video experimentation. He studied epistemology with a minor in computers, then started to work in between art and informatics. During last years he worked doing electronic AV live-set, vj, light installations and wearable permormances. Most significant elements in his video works are immateriality, movement and metamorphosis, visual fluxus, fusion with sound and space. In 2001 founded the eXtraLight Advanced Visuals, focusing on the light as substance trought its expression in the form of light performances, visuals and installations.

Krisjanis Rijnieks is a media artist and creative technologist working within the intersection between art, design and engineering. Using tools that are related to the field of creative coding, digital fabrication and projection mapping, has background in painting and graphic design. Krisjanis holds a master's degree in art and design from the Media Lab Helsinki, is a member of Pixelache Helsinki platform, runs projection mapping workshops at the Fab Lab Berlin and has authored a book about the creative coding framework Cinder. He also develops his own open source projection mapping software that runs on the Raspberry Pi.