Federica Dauri & Danilo Colonna LVM #312
Doors: 19:30 / Start Time: 20:00
Entrance: 6-10 euro (up to your offer)
Federica Dauri & Danilo Colonna - CorOrale
Performer: Federica Dauri , in collaboration with the sound artist: Danilo Colonna LVM CorpOrale is a research that puts to the forefront the body in its entirety in order to investigate its transparency, its fragility, its strength, and as well the pulsation that animates it; throughout the use of the voice and the body movements in order to generate an audio-visual experience.
By silencing the music which is perceived through the ears, the entire body reaches the exact instant in which music originates. “ Between the silence inside the body and the music outside, an ocean of energy expands.” (Akira Kasai) Through this immersion of the body, the self totally blends with the music.
The body is pure vibration, constantly producing sound. Therefore this work focuses on the idea of an experience in which the performers and the audience have the possibility to immerse themselves in the music, absorbing sounds, echoes and resonances inside their bodies.
Our body is in a state of constant change. The body of now is totally different than what it has been or will be. Therefore also the sound is in constant change and mutation.
The performance will be complemented with the recordings and sound manipulations and instant composition of the performer and sound artist Danilo LVM.
There are several elements present in the voice; the meaning as the communicative aspect, the breath as the vibrations, and the emotions as the subconscious desires… all those elements are part of the investigation in this work.
The power of the vocalization ignites a system of meanings, transforming sounds in a flow of feelings, thoughts, and vibrations. The power of the vocalization inside the body expands from the lungs through the larynx in the throat, directing itself towards the head. It reaches hands, internal organs, feet and, the spinal cord. It travels through skin pores and sensory organs. It is energy.
Body action and vocalization generate a flow.