09 June 2017 | 16:00

Fermentation Workshop

  • WORKSHOP  (2hours)
  • Level: open to everybody
  • Costs: 10-15euro (up to your possibility)
  • Max number of participants:  15 people
  • Sign up by contacting: nahrungswandel@nahhaft.de


Discover the rich and diverse possibilities of this old conservation technic and start experimenting yourself. We will give you a brief introduction into the world of fermentation and its potential for health, sustainability seasonal and regional food consumption. In the second part we will show you how easy and rich food fermentation is. In the end of the workshop you will have your own self made jars of fermented organic vegetables.

Denkwerkstatt NAHrungswandel is a group of food enthusiasts who are experimenting and researching for alternatives and solutions of a sustainable food systems.

link: nahhaft.de/fermentations-workshop-2-runde/