23 January 2016 | 12:00

FIBER and Retune present: Performative & Immersive Art Meetup

Free entrance

On Saturday afternoon FIBERin collaboration with Retune, invites 11 practioners in the field of performative & immersive art for an afternoon of presentation, exchange and debate

FIBER, Retune and SPEKTRUM combine their forces to bring together Dutch and Berlin-based artists & designers come from different backgrounds (sound, architecture, visual arts, design, performances, engineering) and artistic communities (vvvv, Max MSP, OpenFrameworks, Processing, etc). These artists are working with a wide range of tools and softwares to create hybrid audiovisual performances, interactive immersive installations playing at the edge of the physical and virtual world. Their work distinguishes itself mostly by its audio or visual quality and/or its artistic aesthetics. During this performative & immersive art meetup, the selected artists will present and give insight into their working processes, explain for instance how they work with code and reflect on the influence of online communities within their working processes. 




As part of transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival, Amsterdam-based FIBER presents a collaborative two day programme at SPEKTRUM with audiovisual performances, an artistic meetup and a screening programme. The event is co-created with LIMA, Berlin based Retune and SPEKTRUM’s local communities. This cultural exchange is part of an ongoing research trajectory to setup an artistic production network for emerging artists between European festivals.

FIBER at SPEKTRUM is supported by The Creative Industry Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie)