20 August 2017 | 12:46

Fri-Ends Presents: The Poetics Of Verticality

  • Doors: 20:00
  • Start time: 20:30
  • Entrance: 4-7 € (up to your offer)

A night of Screenings, Performance and Exhibition put on by Fri-Ends Collective, Curated by Jake Sillen

Featuring the work of:
George Barber
Maya Bjornson
Alejandro Borsani
Haven Butler
Brian Oakes
Jake Sillen
Lisa Young
Zak Ziebell
& more to be announced!

Painting by Zak Ziebell

Fri-Ends Collective is a migratory platform for sharing contemporary art from emerging artists. Directed by Jake Sillen and Lee Pivnik, the group blends traditional exhibition models to exist somewhere between a gallery, a collective, and an artist run space.