Gordon Ashworth & Marti Guillem #43
Donation welcome
Doors: 19:00
Start time: 20:00
A/V experiments by Martí Guillem
Sound art performance by Gordon Ashworth
A/V experiments is about synesthesia. About feedback and electricity. A bunch of analog gear is set up for creating an strong audiovisual experience. Sound produces image, and image produces sound. Circuit bended machines are used to provocate mistakes in the system. The project apologizes about visual and auditive noise, creating live compositions that transport the audience to somewhere deep. Physical, powerful, suggestive, immersive. This project has been shown at PinPanPun festival Valencia, GAPE II Berlin, Big Screen Brutals, Multiversal 41Berlin.
Marti Guillem Ciscar graduated from the Fine Arts School of Valencia, Politecnic University in 2006. He has studied with Bartolomé Ferrando, Miguel Molina Alarcon, Miguel Ángel Guillem, etc. and also he has studied in 's-Hertogenbosch (Holland) during 2003. He is a heterodox artist, who manipulates electronic devices, sounds, images, videos, actions and objects, where it often becomes unusual, unique. Improvisation, experimentation and DIY (do it yourself), are combined, irreverently but reflexive, mostly in ephemeral proposals. It is characterized by a fresh and changing language that reflects on the social habits and the relationship between creativity and everyday life. http://marti-net.blogspot.com/
Gordon Ashworth is an American sound artist whose primary field is abstract composition for string instruments, field recordings and magnetic tape. He has been heavily involved in the experimental underground scene since 2002, and has released dozens of drone, noise, folk and musique concrete recordings under the names Concern, Oscillating Innards, CAEN, Riverbed Mausoleum, and now his real name. His projects have ranged from extreme harsh noise and grindcore to minimalist drone, but the new release with his real name explores the relationships between experimental sound art and differing forms of folk and string music. A new EP of acoustic-based experimental compositions titled “The One You Love and Cannot Trust” was released on his own imprint, Iatrogenesis, on September 11th. It is the continuation of a style established on the album “S.T.L.A” (Orindal Records, 2014), combining elements of drone, musique concrete, and primitive, emotional abstractions of American folk and modern classical music.
Ashworth’s live performance focuses on tape manipulation of electro-acoustic drones and folk instrumentation, tempered by psychologically potent sounds of social environments. His field recordings are carefully curated documents of travel experiences and his job as a night taxi driver that accentuate a paradox of working a dangerous job in order to survive as an artist. The performance space becomes an intense sonic environment that instills feelings of being in countless locations at once, existing somewhere between privacy and social life, musical beauty and human ugliness, a full heart and a troubled mind.
http://soundcloud.com/gordonashworth // http://bandcamp.com/gordonashworth
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