Jan Nemeček & Lukatoyboy #62
Jan Nemeček emerged in the early ’00s as one of the most versatile and prolific electronic producers going. After growing up fascinated by early prog rock and “kosmische” music, Jan experimented with his own longform ambient recordings and tape loop experiments. His first break was doing sound design for sought after hardware synthesizers such as Hartmann Neuron. Late ’00s saw him focus on ambient and improvisatory modular synthesizer performances. Nemeček’s beatless work unfolds with patience and is influenced by borderline dub sub bass movements and heavily based on deconstructed recordings. He has performed in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Portugal, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Kosovo.
Luka Ivanović aka Lukatoyboy is a sound artist, born in Belgrade and currently based in Berlin. Focused on the relation of chances and structures, he creates participatory works with suggested rules, questioning exclusivity and authority of an artist. His practice is based on performances dealing with networks, sound and narrative, using walkie talkies and site specific topics, and he is currently researching alternative methods of staged listening, using architecture, object related found sounds and distance as tools for discovery.