julian scordato / Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt / Meshakai Wolf #392
- Doors: 19:00
- Start time: 19:30 - please note, tonight we start early!
- Entrance: 7-12 € (up to your offer)
Performance night with:
- Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt - Ruins Rider
Ruins Rider: Filmed in the lost territories of the Balkans, RUINS RIDER portrays the secret ruins that triggered trances over the past centuries. Using an array of hypnotic pulsating flickers, filmmaker Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt conceived an explosive kinetic experience. Accompanied by a powerful soundtrack by Marc Hurtado of the cult project Étant Donnés, RUINS RIDER is a visceral experience of hypnagogic archeology and raw energy. - Meshakai Wolf - Self-Similar
Layers of video feedback created and manipulated live with an accompanying score of self-oscillating resonance. - Julian Scordato - Constellations / Vision II / Engi
Constellations begins from the exploration of an imaginary celestial space, which is translated into sound space. How does each celestial sphere – starting from its manifestation as a unit – interact with the cosmos where it belongs? How does it react to its law? How does it transform itself integrating with the system, until the loss of identity? In contrast with that process, the constellations act underlining the bodies in their uniqueness by means of creation of symbolic links.
Vision II blends elements – including two graphic scores by Robert Moran and the soundscape of the city of Venice – which came together accidentally, as objects of a dream and a vision. Not the world-vision, but the counterpoint between appearance and anatomy of the image in its acoustic quality. The visual part determines the sound design aspects: it generates and controls the sound, integrating the particularity of the instant and the contingent.
Engi is an audiovisual work based on the sonification of stellar data related to the north polar constellations. Sound parameters are represented graphically and defined by certain observation data as well as physical characteristics of stars. Six temporal dimensions are added in order to activate the stars with a combinatorial system that virtually produces a perpetual change.
Julian Scordato is a composer, sound artist and performer. He studied composition and electronic music in Venice, and sound art at the University of Barcelona. Co-founder of the Arazzi Laptop Ensemble, research assistant for the Sound and Music Processing Lab at the Conservatory of Padua, he works as professor of Electronic Music at the Conservatory of Brescia. As an author and speaker, he has presented results related to interactive performance systems and algorithmic composition in the context of conferences and seminars. His electroacoustic and audiovisual works have been performed and exhibited internationally in over 100 festivals and institutions.
Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt is a Canadian artist and filmmaker. His work explore ancestral ruins at the borders of known worlds. His films and video have been presented at the Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art, Russia National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Kiev Foundation for Contemporary Art, Fylkingen, Wro Art Center, St-Petersburg State University, Slovenska Kinoteka, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow Studio of Individual Directing MIR and many international festivals and museums. https://vimeo.com/user38610478
Meshakai Wolf Wolf works with modern technologies such as instant film, inkjet printers, and digital and video cameras. In reaction to and inspired by automata, he manipulates machines and mediums generated by machines in order to reveal abstract imagery. His latest series of videos, prints and paintings explore optical feedback as it pertains to the visual study of chaos within the multi-dimensional universe and its role as a 'space-time simulator' or simulation machine.
Wolf says about the process: "Digital imagery exists within a pixel/binary structure and as a result is trapped behind the glass of a screen. I use video to extract an image's digital information and reinterpret it using the ink and organic material of paper and canvas. Pixels are no longer contained by their lines of code but are now free to bleed into one another in order to create an indelible bond."