03 August 2018 | 20:30

Klangscheiben modular sessions #3

  • Doors: 20:00
  • Start time: 20:30
  • Entrance: 6-10 € (up to your offer)

MK Klausen / Dr.Nojoke : Ein Prolog v2 (A Prologue v2)

A prologue is an experimental reading and sound performance with light.
Based on the first chapter of Das (Prologos), a voluminous contemporary Genesis story by the Danish poet Inger Christensen, a fragmentary atmospheric scenario is created. The prologos tells the fantastic chemical-physical genesis of a world, from the universe to the atom, and vice versa. In between nature, civilization and the individual person. It's about everything, about construction and destruction.  In order to approach this mass of meaning, an alienation of the linguistic material is used as a stylistic element and is combined with a sound cosmos. It examines an interaction and unity of language and sound. An alienation is achieved by a new rhythm hiding behind the speech (e.g. that from "Horses" by Patti Smith). Another abstraction is created by processing and alienating the text in real time together with other electronic sounds. This creates an outside world to the textual inside world. The shadows of the reader and the musician are thrown onto the rear wall with minimalistic light, giving the reduced actions movement on the one hand and a poetic level of meaning on the other.

"Ein Prolog / A Prologue" Trailer on Vimeo


Demiurge & Anfisa : Audiovisual Control

The project named "Audiovisual Control" was founded in 2017 by Demiurge and Licht Pfad and took place at CTM festival in early 2018. It consists of the improvised modular synthesizer sounds of Demiurge (Thomas Bäz) and the controlled visuals done by Licht Pfad. For "Audiovisual Control" at Spektrum he invited visual artist Anfisa for a performance to give you a totally different visual experience.
The control of the visuals needs to be explained in detail, because it’s the main focus of this project. After their research how to connect both worlds in the most efficient way, they put the idea into action. The key hardware they have is a device in the modular system, which can send and receive triggers, gates, envelopes and LFO‘s. Thomas is connected with his system modulations to Anfisa's visualization software.
The bridge is a software which transforms CV into MIDI information. This is the essential condition for the controlling. We are excited to show a new version of the project "Audiovisual Control". See you at Spektrum.



Frank Bogdanowitz: Autodidact and musical crossover artist. Mainly works with "Field Recordings", tools are microphones, effect devices and computer/software. Feels comfortable with minimal techno as well as experimental and ambient music. Has produced various music for theatre, dance and film for Schaubühne, Dramatisches Theater, Retsina Film, Anke Hentschel. F. Bogdanowitz is initiator and operator of projects, collectives and labels like The POOL Berlin, UNOIKI, CLIKNO, PLO pool laptop orchestra, Paralelo and works as a soloist under the pseudonyms Dr.Nojoke and Anomali.

Marianne Kjær Klausen: Studied philosophy in Copenhagen. She has been working with integral and immersive theatre forms since the mid-'00s, including Ryszard Nieoczym, Odin Teatret and Human Specific Performance Art at Cantabile2, and also with classical theatre. After graduating with a Master's degree, she initially worked as assistant director and dramaturg (DT Berlin, Komische Oper Berlin, Münchner Kammerspiele, Neuköllner Oper). Since 2016 she has been working as a director and actress, as a director with the dance and theatre play "Die Stärkere" by August Strindberg (Brotfabrik Berlin) and currently with a poetic cabaret about "Karl Kraus" (Wasserturm Kreuzberg), as a performer for the action theatre Ender-Kolosko (Volksbühne, Kampnagel). Her interest is the creation of a symbiosis of classical spoken theatre with the achievements of performative approaches. A Prologue establishes the intensive investigation of this field. She also works as a translator for social-political books and writes herself, among others as part of the label collective Unoiki.


Nothing stays longer than a patch... The alias Demiurge was founded by Thomas Bäz in 2017 to cover all his projects done with his modular synthesizer in the experimental and art focussed way. Between glitchy noise and field recordings he found a way to combine his recordings from the outside world with his machine in an unusual artistic way. He is curating and playing the Klangscheiben Modular Sessions at venues like Spektrum Berlin with artists from all over the world and played improvised jam sessions beside a sleep overnight at modular+space. 2017 was the beginning of the project, 2018 will be the first year of publishing music and playing more events in art based locations, at festivals and in galleries.