LC Lab #26
At this LC Lab edition we want to take some time before we jam together and encourage an exchange about the tools we are using to create our audio-visual content.
For this occasion, we have invited Federico Foderaro, an artist, Max/MSP/Jitter expert and workshop holder in this field as a guest. Federico will show us what he is up to, and how he is using Jitter in his artistic practice. Each participant will have the chance to give insights into his/her process, present his/her setup or instrument and ask questions.
After this introduction we are looking very much forward to play together in a few improvised sessions, in which we want to experiment with the theme Dark / Light.
The LC Lab (Live Cinema Lab) is a place for audio-visual experimentation: a community where audio and visual artists can meet, create and play new work together. We welcome musicians, sound artists, video artists, filmmakers, visual musicians, vjs or any other audio-visual experimenters and offer a friendly, plug-and-play environment to play and work.
The lab will organise hands-on sessions on a monthly basis on the last Tuesday of each month. We hope to see you there and please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested.