08 September 2017 | 20:00

Liebig12 presents: Mikronesia :: William"Bilwa"Costa :: Sam Hertz #355

  • Doors: 19:30
  • Start time: 20:00
  • Entrance: 6-10 € (up to your offer)

Liebig12 Project Space presents:

Mikronesia - solo 
performing “Landscapes” a piece of real and imagined field recordings

William "Bilwa" Costa - solo 
performing "counting cycle: accumulation" Recordings of voices counting in different spaces, with various acoustic sound qualities, cycle in and out of phase creating an expanding and contracting soundscape A composition consisting of recordings of texts written and read by three contemporary Japanese artists, Yukari Misawa, Yuka Takahashi, and Mayumi Arai. Each artist describes, in Japanese, their theories, insights, and artistic approaches to the topic “media”.

Sam Hertz - solo 
performing "masswasting"
intersections of psychoacoustics and expanded listening practices concerning the affective crossings between humans and environment, ecological soundings, geophysical/atmospheric infrasonic

Mikronesia is Michael Reiley McDermott currently guest at Liebig12 as artist in residency. He works at the nexus of sound art, music composition, meditation, Deep Listening and sonic ecology in a practice called Sonic Photography. During his residency he will also present durational sonic meditation concerts, give a talk on the connection between Deep Listening and Sonic Ecology. http://mikronesia.com

William “Bilwa” Costa is an artist who works in the performing, sound, and visual arts contexts. His work includes: performance, installation, experimental / electro-acoustic music, sound art, graphic scores and conceptual structures for sound and movement performance, field recordings, and improvisation. Collaboration with other artists is essential to his work. He works internationally, generating research, labs, workshops, and performance projects, actively cultivating opportunities for artists to work together on new interdisciplinary experiments. http://williambilwacosta.com

Sam Hertz is a Berlin-based composer, researcher, and curator working at the intersections of psychoacoustics and expanded listening practices. Former artist and curator in Residency at Liebig12, he received his MFA at Mills College (CA), studying composition with Pauline Oliveros, Fred Frith, and Zeena Parkins, and producing/performing with Morton Subotnick. As a recipient of the 2017 DARE Prize for Radical Interdisciplinarity (University of Leeds/Opera North: Leeds, UK), his current research project concerns affective crossings between humans and environment, ecological soundings, and geophysical/atmospheric infrasonic sound.
•• samhertzsound.com •• http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-38962932

presented by liebig12 - www.liebig12.net