24 July 2016 | 20:00

Light Movement 14: ORACLES

image: Alee Peoples
image: Karissa Hahn

Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00

ORACLES: Films by Los Angeles Artists

selected by Andrew Kim in collaboration with Labor Berlin 

  • Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick
  • Karissa Hahn
  • Amy Halprin
  • Andrew Kim
  • Alee Peoples
  • Marc Toscano

Messages can be obscure, and this might be the result of place: Los Angeles. Seemingly, there is no rhyme or reason ... or is there? One must look past the surface. This program represents an array of perspectives from Los Angeles area seers. Employing various formal approaches, these films attempt to see beyond face value. At once, these visions are unified by the spirit of experimentation and independent expression that characterizes the alternative cinema in Los Angeles.

Curated by James Edmonds as part of the Light Movement series


ILLUME by Karissa Hahn (16mm, Color/Sound, 3min.) Metal metamorphosing through a macro lens - bending reflections of backyard things … the surface of objects - transposed/transposing into new forms.

BY HALVES by Amy Halprin (16mm, Color/Silent, 7min.) BY HALVES is a magic act. A real performer does the impossible: a lariat act, a dance, changes shape and renders the audience to a glistening soup. A gift of standard (old) filmmaking practices.

THE PEACOCK by Andrew Kim (16mm, Color/Sound, 12min.) A meditation on our fantastic condition of mortality and impermanence … “The peacock painted on the window will never dance or speak. It is only the peacock that lived in the forest which used to speak, dance, and walk in a sweet manner.”

THEM ORACLES by Alee Peoples (16mm, Color/sound, 7min.) A skeptic investigation of what an oracle can be and what it would sound like. Human desire and blind faith allow, and maybe even will, these mystic soothsayers to exist. [29min]


WILL O' THE WISP by Andrew Kim (16mm, Color/Sound, 23min.) Will o’ the Wisp, OR the Wandering Light Illuminating the Dark of Night, Taken Therefore for the Souls of the Departed: An examination, whereunto is joined a discourse of the causes, continuance and qualities of such phenomena in nature; occasioned as a matter in contest with those who have deemed these lights to be manifestations of the paranormal.

___ ______ by Thom Andersen and Malcolm Brodwick (aka the Rock and Roll Movie, 16mm, Color/Sound, 11min.) Documentary material organised by a predetermined structure. A sequence of picture-sound equations with randomly chosen terms: vertically, - is completely structured, horizontally, it is completely random. A pastiche of cinematography, a parody of montage. Projection instructions: play as loudly as possible. A documentary about rock 'n' roll.

THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME by Marc Toscano (16mm, Color/Sound, 3min.) When feelings are reduced to keywords, it’s a lot easier to find just the right soundtrack. And when an emotional response can be so readily activated via musical triggers, it’s a lot easier to make a moving film. [37min]