09 March 2017 | 20:00

Light Movement 19: Serious Sketches

Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00
Entrance 6-10 euro (up to your offer)

Light Movement invites the BOLEXWERKSTATT of the dffb (Deutsche Film-und Fernsehakademie Berlin):

Serious Sketches 
A selection of short silent films in 16mm, made during 2016 in the BOLEXWORKSHOP at the dffb 

In 2015, a BOLEXWORKSHOP was created at the dffb where students meet to make 3 minute silent films with the 16mm Bolex camera. The circa 20 short films are gathered under the title, Serious Sketches; some are finished works, others works-in-progress.

With special thanks to Ute Aurand

More info: facebook.com/lightmovementseries // light-movement.blogspot.de