Luca Forcucci / DUO BRAND RUPP #279
Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00
Entrance 6-10 euro (regular days)
1. Duo Brand_Rupp (Ulrike Brand & Olaf Rupp)
2. Carnet de Routes (Luca Forcucci)
3. Korpus & Bodyscape (Ulrike Brand & Luca Forcucci)
Duo Ulrike Brand and Olaf Rupp. Despite belonging to very different fields, this duo creates a unique consonance. The result is a stylistic freedom in an associative "play" with similarity and role exchange, reprise and anticipation. The duo-constellation is potentiating these effects when the continuing input of sounds from one player becomes part of the overall sound and at the same time acts upon the other player creating a reciprocal flow of communication.
The two performances (Carnet de Routes and Bodyscape) include field recordings from Brazil (Amazon Rainforest, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais) and South Africa. Carnet de Routes is based on the Brazilian travels of the Swiss/French writer Blaise Cendrars with the Brazilian Modernists in 1924. It was presented extensively in Brazil in 2016 in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Bodyscape is an ongoing project that uses the sound of the body as source material, it has been presented in San Francisco at the gallery The Lab in 2015 and at Centre Dürrenmatt in Neuchâtel Switzerland in 2016, where the sound of the dancer Crystal Sepulveda was recorded and processed. The body of the performer Ulrike Brand will be played this time. The composition Bodyscape includes also field recordings from South Africa through the lenses of the text of Friedrich Dürrenmatt L’Epidémie Virale. Finally, I take the opportunity of this date to celebrate the release of my new record ‘The Waste Land’ on the Portuguese label Cronica Electronica on April 4th.
„KORPUS" is an ongoing research project of performer Ulrike Brand, which plays with the relation between body (human) and body (instrument). In the Spektrum Performance it will be integrated with „Bodyscape“ by Luca Forcucci.
Ulrike Brand's focus is on multimedial projects between conceptual sound-exploring, improvisation and performance. In this context she is mainly working with Olaf Rupp, Tomomi Adachi as well as visual artists and choreographers. Because of her experience in performing contemporary classical compositions in the past decades, she can draw upon all the varieties of different extended playing techniques that are used there. She uses sounds and noises as equivalent material, pitch is treated as a continuum and the whole body of the instrument can create sounds. This is also accentuating the gestural element of the performance.
Olaf Rupp explores the field of free improvisation with an uncompromising radicallity. The extreme virtuosic playing techniques which he has developed by himself are the result of a unique artistic discipline far away from the usual standards and conventions. He is always expanding his sonic range evermore: in his subtle, pointillistic soundworld every single note appears as a colour-dot inside of a larger matrix.
Luca Forcucci research observes the perceptive properties of sound, space and memory. The field of possibilities of the experience is explored as the artwork. In this context, he is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness. A great influence is the late American avant- garde composer Pauline Oliveros and her concept of deep listening expanded to all what is humanly possible to listen to. He travelled Intensively in Brazil during the last nine years, where he explored aspects of Brazilian art, and in particular the neo-concretist art movement.
Luca achieved a PhD in Sonic Arts from De Montfort University and a MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast. The research was further conducted at University of the Arts of Berlin, INA/GRM Paris (Institut Nationald’Audiovisuel/Groupe de Recherches Musicales), and at the Brain Mind Institute in Switzerland to explore cognitive neuroscience of out-of-body experiences. The artworks are presented worldwide on a regular basis (Centro Municipal de Arte Helio Oiticica Rio de Janeiro, Festival Multiplicidade Rio de Janeiro, 30th Biennale of Sao Paulo on the invitation of Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Miller Gallery Pittsburgh USA, MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts Rome, Rockbund Museum Shanghai, House for Electronic Arts Basel, Présences Electroniques Festival Geneva). The compositions are released on Cronica Electronica in Porto and Subrosa in Bruxelles.