05 May 2017 | 18:00

Math Creations - Exhibition

Doors: 18:00 - free entrance

The goal of the Math Creations contest for Art, Design and Mathematics is new creative ideas based on mathematical concepts and their realization. The contest consists of three Berlin staged events called Creative Input, Creative Output and Exhibition. At the Creative Output - Math Creations Art, Design, Math contest event on March 24, 2017, participating teams presented their ideas for their most exciting and creative work.

At this third and final Berlin staged event “Exhibition” of the Math Creations project, the winner´s results from the Creative Output phase are presented and exhibited.

A professional film crew, directed by film-maker Ekaterina Eremenko Colors of Math/ Чувственная математика, The Discrete Charm of Geometry will record the event. A feature film will be produced to be screened internationally, starring all winners and their Math Creations.

The contest is organized by collaborative research centers “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics” and “Space - Time - Matter. Analytic and Geometric Structures” in collaboration with IMAGINARY gGmbH. All events are open to the public and are free of charge!

Please find more information about the Math Creations project in German www.math-creations.de and in English https://imaginary.org/project/math-creations You can contact us here: mathcreations@imaginary.org