MathLapse Film Festival
Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:30
Free entrance
Award Ceremony of MathLapse Film Festival
Director and mathematician Ekaterina Erimenko (Colours of Math, The Discrete Charm of Geometry) will host a short and entertaining ceremony where the 5 best MathLapses are honoured. Afterwards all appropriate contributions will be screened while socializing at the bar as the informal farewell to IMAGINARY Conference IC16.
A “MathLapse” is a new educational and artistic format, which is supposed to highlight the link between mathematics and real-world phenomena. The name MathLapse is inspired by the timelapse-technique in physics: By re-scaling time, phenomena that we cannot observe with the naked eye are visualized. A MathLapse is short, simple, self-contained and creative and should illustrate a single mathematical idea through true or virtual animated images. More information:
IMAGINARY is an outreach project of renowned Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach and a platform for open and interactive mathematics. It features a variety of content that can be used in schools, at home, in museums, at exhibitions or for events and media activities. The main contents of IMAGINARY are its interactive programs and its picture galleries. Through a worldwide community of communicators IMAGINARY brings modern mathematical research to the public, in particular through interactive programs involving modern technology and formats, as well as high aesthetic standards. More information:
IMAGINARY Conference on Open and Collaborative Communication of Mathematical Research 2016 (IC16) is an interdisciplinary gathering of mathematicians, communicators and interested professionals who wish to discuss and work together on current issues of communication and knowledge transfer in mathematics. In contrast to a classical conference, IC16 will take a participative and collaborative approach in order to advance new ideas, bring forward concrete results and help shape the future of mathematics communication.