openFrameworks Berlin Meetup
- Start time: 19:00
- Entrance: free
The openFrameworks Berlin meetup is open to anyone who wants to join, from openFrameworks experts to openFrameworks beginners, from addicted processing sketchers to beginner cello musicians, from knitters to magicians. We are trying to make this meetup as diverse as possible (with a focus on openFrameworks), and we would love to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
This meetup follows the Berlin Code of Conduct:
Please read it before joining.
Do I need to know openFrameworks to join this meetup?
No, absolutely not. The presentations will be about projects, apps, or simple sketches done with openFrameworks, but you do not need to know it to enjoy the meetup.
So, what is going on at this meetup?
We sit and talk for one hour and half... more or less. Yes, It sounds boring. But it is not. There will be images! and videos!
You can also find us on Meetup.