openFrameworks crash course
- Level: introductory
- Costs: 50€ (7h / 1day)
- Max number of participants: 10 people
- Min number of participants: 4 people
- Sign-up through this form if you want to join: click here
- Contact:
This course is addressed to people that want to get started with openFrameworks, absolute beginners or with a little bit of processing or p5.js experience. The goal of the workshop is to give an overview of openFrameworks, showing to the participants possible future learning paths that can be explored when the course is over. It is structured as follow:
- Introduction to openframeworks and to the IDE.
- How to get information, code examples and documentation.
- How to write a class that moves and draws something on your screen.
- Make a collection of objects created with your class, and learn how to change them.
- Introduction to addons.
- How to install them and how to use them your sketch.
- How to add a GUI to change parameters on the fly to iterate faster.
- Drawing paths and lines.
- Drawing using FBOs.
Bring your own laptop with openFrameworks already installed. Please ask support in the forum if you have trouble during the installation, although you should not.
about the workshop holder
Davide Prati is a visual artist and graphics programmer based in Berlin. His research focuses on the implementation of primitive geometric forms in programming. In particular, he is interested in the forms suggesting the organic, such as animals, flowers or trees. Since 12 years is a member of the art collective.