Performance night #16
Donation welcome
Doors: 19.30
Start time: 20.00
Soundscape by Dr jUjU Galaxy (Julia Drouhin)
Julia Drouhin will play a new soundscape made of field recordings from ghost towns in West Tasmania and Jupiter Planet's electromagnetic frequencies.
Botborg by Scott Sinclair
Botborg is an international audio-visual performance group that fuses and rewires raw electronic signals to create intensely visceral experiences of sound-color synaesthesia.
Julia Drouhin is a French Tasmania-based artist and curator working with sound since 2003. She has been investigating Disco Ghost with records made of chocolate or ice, Gleam Robot that makes the music of colors and curating mini-FM events in France, Spain and Australia. She completed her PhD in aesthetics, sciences and technology on the art of walking and radio events at the University of Paris 8 in 2011. She likes to create collective events in public space to activate conversations about how to share sound art and re-consider our immediate environment.
Botborg is an international audio-visual performance group that fuses and rewires raw electronic signals to create intensely visceral experiences of sound-color synaesthesia. Using a complex array of custom electronics, Botborg create totally live multi-sensory assaults of interdependent color and rhythm, pushing the limits of technology to invoke the maximum possible stimulation of their audience’s mind and body.
Beginning in 2004 in Australia (now also located in Germany), Botborg have been making performances of real-time 'glitch' sound-video before any such concept was fashionable. Using the largest sound systems and projection screens available, Botborg provides a highly physical experience as the combination of noise, light, and the live space erupt into a work abstracted beyond the cinematic language.
Botborg has hosted live demonstrations at many prestigious film and media festivals throughout Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan.