16 April 2018 | 19:30

Presentation Architecture as Sonic Experience: Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum

  • Start time: 19:30
  • Entrance: free

As part of the reDesigning Affect Space public research project linking masterclasses and events in Berlin, Madrid, Rotterdam, and The Hague (2018-1019) this presentation discusses the context and results of the first masterclass in the series. Dutch artists Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum have been invited to guide a geolocated auditory exploration of the urban acoustic / affective environment of a selection of architectural landmarks in Berlin, exploring ‘architecture as sonic experience’.

The masterclass builds on the Technology / Affect / Space theory project with Open! (NL) and recent work of Eric Kluitenberg on Affect Space, and is organised with Hybrid Space Lab Berlin.


  • Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum
  • Frans Vogelaar & Elizabeth Sikiaridi
  • Eric Kluitenberg
  • & guests

For more information also see the workshop at Spektrum on 14-15 April: Architecture as Sonic Experience.


Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum work together as artist-couple under the name PolakVanBekkum. Their work focusses on landscape and mobility.

Rooted in the history of the Dutch realistic landscape depiction, they embrace new technologies to express personal experiences of spaces of the contemporary city and countryside. Their projects are often informed by collaborations with participants, be it humans, objects, or even the rays of the sun.

They have worked and exhibited internationally, at Transmediale Berlin, Ars Electronica Linz, ZKM Karlsruhe, London, IMAL Brussels, Rento Brattinga | Gallery Amsterdam, Museo for Image and Sound Sao Paolo, Nairobi, Lagos, Marrakech, Paris, Philadelphia Percent for Art program, Los Angeles and Queensland.

In 2015 They received The Expanded Media Preis For Network Culture at Stuttgarter Filmwinters - Festival for Expanded Media with “The Mailman’s Bag.” In 2005 Esther Polak waas honoured a Golden Nica for Interactive Art at Ars Electronica together with Ieva Auzina, for their MILKproject.

Pick of projects and works: Amsterdam Realtime, MilkProject, NomadicMILK, Souvenir Zeeland, Spiral Drawing Sunrise, Fronting Motion, AbstractView, 250 Miles Crossing Philadelphia, Once We Get There, A Collision of Sorts. Esther Polak studied at the RijksAkademie for Visual Arts in Amsterdam and the KABK in Den Haag; NL Ivar van Bekkum studied journalism at the Academie voor de Journalistiek Kampen; NL Artist website: www.polakvanbekkum.com


Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar are architects and co-founders of Hybrid Space Lab. Hybrid Space Lab is a think tank and design lab that focuses on cultural innovation: An interdisciplinary platform where architects, urbanists, landscape architects, designers and media artists collaborate with soft- and hardware engineers in the development of projects, research and theory for combined analogue and digital, urban, architectural, design, and media spaces.

The scope of their work ranges from urban games and urban planning, to buildings and architectural interiors, 1:1 industrial design applications, and wearables, focusing on the hybrid fields emerging from the combination and fusion of environments, objects, and services within their networked systems of production, distribution, use, and recycling.


Eric Kluitenberg is a theorist, writer and curator based in Amsterdam. He currently teaches media and cultural theory at the ArtScience Interfaculty in The Hague.
reDesigning Affect Space essay: www.onlineopen.org/re-designing-affect-space