Projection Mapping meetup
Community meetup
Start time: 19:30
Once a month we meet to experience the power of the Raspberry Pi through augmenting the reality with the help of projection mapping. We are going to learn projection mapping by doing it with preconfigured Raspberry-Pi-based workstations. It is also the time and place to find help if you are having trouble with your Raspberry Pi creative coding project.
This time there will be a micro-workshop on how to receive OSC messages with ofxPiMapper. This could be combined with SonicPi and SuperCollider experiments. Pre-configured projection mapping tables with candle-light illuminated keyboards will be there along with a Local Area Network which will be used for sending OSC messages to the Pi computers.
Participants are invited to bring their own projects, ideas and knowledge. Presentations, openFrameworks-related questions, burning SD cards, videos, music and art. If you just got a Pi and have no idea how to, come, we will boot it up!
You can also find us on Meetup