- Doors: 20:00
- Start time: 20:30
- Entrance: 7-12 € (up to your offer)
AV performances
- Federico Foderaro, Anthropocene
- Matt Burnett, Mythologie sous marine
Interactive installations
- Hylynyiv, Wyntermute
- Mauritius Seeger, Fast Forward
Presented by SCOPE / Curated by AudeRrose
Followed by open bar with Lød: Contemporary, electronic and experimental. Heavily atmospheric and cinematographic, eclectic and avoiding any well defined genre. Keeping a DIY attitude when producing and performing, and preserving the imperfection to give a human touch and edge.
Federico Foderaro - Anthropocene
The theme of the work is the influence of mankind on the planet since the industrial revolution. The Earth gets reshaped by the tools, machines and weapons of the men. We are at the beginning of the Anthropocene, and nobody can predict its course. This work was awarded with the 2017 Jury prize for the Mutek contest "Anthropocene"
Federico Foderaro is an audio-visual Berlin based artist, media technologist and Max/MSP teacher. He graduated with the highest honours in Electronic Music and Multimedia Composition at the Conservatory “Licinio Refice” of Frosinone (Italy), under the guidance of great teachers. During his studies he started developing fascination for audiovisual art and the link between art and technology, building my own aesthetic. In my works and performances I give algorithmic rules as a foundation on which to build a formal structure for the piece. I teach Max/MSP software in workshops, private lessons and university courses, running at the same time an online video teaching activity. I collaborate with various artists and media creators offering technical and artistic support.
Matt Burnett - Mythologie sous marine
This is the first opus of the audio visual collaboration between Matt Burnett and AudeRrose. the piece is an audio visual tale placing the viewer in a black and white underwater world inside an atmospheric sonic composition.
Matt Burnett lives in Berlin, Germany. Presently his interests center on the musicality of textured sound, and the composition and performance possibilities presented by the quadraphonic listening space. Prior to moving to Berlin, he lived in Austin, Texas, where among many other things he created and curated a quadraphonic multimedia event series titled Immersion[]. He studied Electronic Music and Composition at Virginia Commonwealth University, graduating with honors. He then studied at the Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College with Maggi Payne and Anthony Braxton. He has also worked odd jobs in software development and television. In the US, he has done things with sound in San Francisco, California; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; and Austin, Texas. In Europe he has performed at several venues in Berlin, and also in Slovenia, Denmark, France and Italy. Some of this is documented at these links. He is the developer of The QuadTool, a software system that provides the basis for synthesis, composition and performance within the quad listening space.
Hylynyiv, Wyntermute, interactive installation
Wyntermute is a media-critical interactive installation and VR experience. It stands as a philosophical reflection on the quality of our every day interaction with information: the inherent disproportion of factual non-involvement opposed to the speed of information consumption and illusion of participation.
Hylynyiv is a Berlin-based artist, coder and hardware hacker. She builds experimental set-ups involving self-mad electronic devices and controllers in VR and RR for technology-contemplative setups and realtime datatranslation. hylynyiv Under the alias Hylynyiv, she started presenting her own art projects at the intersection of programming and hardware hacking officially in 2014 and continues to develop her focus in experimental media art and numeric technologies. She builds her own hardware, such as sensoric input devices, hacks electronics and programs experimental signal-chains to create media-reflective installations or VR experiences including real-time sound synthesis, data sonification and visualization. She is particularly interested in the theoretical aspects of complex systems, human-machine-interaction, simulation, virtual ecosystems, artificial intelligence and the relation to error and evolution in this context.
Mauritius Seeger, Fast Forward, interactive installation
This is a prototype exploring the possibility of controlling video ‘scratching’ using gestural controls. A first step in a possible VJ interface. In this video you see me controlling the “play head” of a video using the distance between my body and the camera. currently it just picks a significant closest point, so that it can be used with either hand, head or body yet remaining robust to noise and outliers and not requiring calibration or background subtraction. An audience reactive video installation using time warping. The motion of the observer advances a short time-lapse sequence, but only in those place where motion is detected. Each pixel has its own playback time controlled by the audience.
Mauritius Seeger is an interactive programmer and video artist, also interested in photography, live video performances, and interactive art. His current work focuses on lighting, projections, displays and art projects that draw on my experience in computer vision and my interest in lens based media.