SCOPE presents: Juan Duarte Regino & Motorsaw #179
Doors: 19:30 / Start time 20:30
Entrance 5-10 euro (up to your offer)
Juan Duarte Regino - Enactment
“Enactment” is a Visual show on real time, based on Sonic Interactions produced between instrument manipulation and physical simulations in computer environments. Moreover, “Enactment” is a visual performance based on Cognitive Enactment concept by Chris Salter, used to describe the ecological relation between user, interface and environment.
Live improvised AV-performance where Video is generated live with digital video feedback.
Event presented by Scope - curated by Mo and AudeRrose
Enactment is an audiovisual work of interactive relations between sound and visual generation. This relations are relating intensity, frequency and timing of sound events during live performance to visual events triggered according to the sound analysis. A software composed of sound generators and signal input analysis are used to transform visual tridimensional meshes that resemble sound waves: these raise, collide and emerge accordingly to sound dynamics played via software or external instruments. Thus, sound parameters modify rate of and intensity of lights on a 3d virtual environment. On the visual side, brightness and momentum of waves are analyzed and extracted to provide noise qualities back to the sound, therefore a feedback loop between sound and visuals is experienced as a non deterministic approach during the live performance. The sound modules that belong to the software include Wavetable synthesis, and pulsar synthesis.
The title of the project take as a reference "Cognitive Enactment" referred by Chris Salter and Kramen Franinovic (1) as a process in which the Sonic Experience enables humans to learn from meaningful interactions with objects that imply an ecological approach in interactions between user, interface and environment. Similarly the interactive program in “Enactment” is shaped to be controlled from different ways where visuals and sounds are entangled affecting each other in closed loops.
(1)"The Poetics of Sonic Interaction Design." Karmen Franinovic and Chris Salter. In Sonic Interaction Design: Process and Products. Ed. Karmen Franinovic and Stefania Serafin. MIT Press, 2013.
DEUTERIUM is a live improvised AV-performance where Video is generated live with digital video feedback. The resulting image is then sampled and translated straight into audio. This flips the usual relationship between audio and visuals. This way audio is directly reflecting the image. For this performance MOTORSAW has developed an instrument that allows for live improvisation and exploration of the expression and relation between audio and video.