SCS #2
Community meeting
Sonic Code Session is a place for discussing and exchanging ideas as well as presenting projects related to code-based audio synthesis - the technique of creating sound where individually designed computer programs determine the sonic output
This session will host a presentation by Gene Kogan (
Deep audio, video, and text
"Recent advances in machine learning, particularly deep neural networks, have greatly improved the state of the art of generating media in the style of other media. Machines are beginning to hallucinate paintings, audio fragments, and poetry which resemble its training data. I will present a set of video, audio, and textual works trained on familiar and unfamiliar sources, and talk about future research currents and broader issues of machine emulation of human cultural and artistic practice."
After a break, Abe will give a brief introduction to Supercollider (an audio programming language; it is open source, see: He will in particular explain an easy way to run it in the browser so that newcomers can immediately start playing and having fun.