Sonic Vibrations #4: Global Identities of Sound
- Doors: 19:00
- Presentation of the book Not Your World Music: Noise In South East Asia: 19:30
- Performances by C-drík // Hui-Chun Lin: 20:30
- Entrance: 5 €
In the social discourse, sound is the voice of political issues of sexism, colonialism, dominant culture and so on. Cedrik Fermont is presenting his intense and dedicated research about the women’s role in the interplay between the state of conflict and cultural survival of the feminine as crucial impact in the contemporary geo-dislocation of our internet-based world. Presenting documentation of very diverse areas decentralized from the western world, new wide trajectories for a dialogue of contemporary aesthetics into sound emerge.
Sonic Vibrations is a series of hybrid events presenting scientific and technological research applied to sound-art, new musical instruments and installation art in form of exhibitions, conferences and live acts. Principles of Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Psychoacoustic, Body Anatomy and so on are used by artists creating media works which are pushing the definition of cross-disciplinary boundaries between technology and science applied to vibrational art. Curated by Alfredo Ciannameo
Not Your World Music: Noise In South East Asia is a book written and edited by Cedrik Fermont together with Dimitri della Faille (2016), published by Syrphe (Europe) and Hushush (Americas). Find out all details about the project here (you can download a free PDF version of the book or buy the paper version and or the compilation CD). Winner of the 2017 Golden Nica - Prix Ars Electronica in the Digital Musics & Sound Art category.
C-drík - Untitled
C-drík Fermont is a composer, musician, mastering engineer, author who operates in the field of noise, electronic and experimental music since 1989, born in Zaire (DR Congo), he grew up in Belgium, and is currently based in Berlin (Germany). Through his platform and label Syrphe, C-drík explores electronic, experimental and noise music from Asia and Africa, he is also radio host at Radio Staalplaat (Berlin-Amsterdam), Colaboradio (Berlin-Potsdam), and (New Delhi), he is also a member of bands such as Ambre, Axiome, Tasjiil Moujahed and many more. C-drík co-wrote with Dimitri della Faille the award winning book Not Your World Music: Noise In South East Asia (Golden Nica - Prix Ars Electronica 2017) as well as several essays about electroacoustic and experimental music in Africa, the Middle East and Asia and also writes about gender issues in the sound art and experimental music world and the importance of women in electronic music in non-Western scenes. /
Hui-Chun Lin - Cello Solo
Hui-Chun Lin is a versatile cellist whose repertoire encompasses traditional, classical and experimental music. Moving freely between free improvisation and traditional performance, her performance explores the boundaries and intersections of various genres, epochs and cultures.
Cellist Hui-Chun Lin is an active member of Berlin’s improvised scene, to which she contributes regularly as a performer and curator of improvised chamber music events. As a performer, she has developed an original improvisational style characterized by a large sound range, dramatic intensity, and a unique musical grammar. She performs regularly with the Berlin Improvisers Orchestra, Ocean of Pink Dot and Mensagem Ensemble, and has performed as a soloist and ensemble member at festivals and concerts throughout Europe. In 2015, she co-founded Maybee Records, a label for improvised acoustic music in collaboration with Berlin-based pianist Chino Shuichi.
of the European Union as part of Re-Imagine Europe