27 July 2017 | 19:30

Stadt \ Sound \ Spektrum \ Performance #336

  • Doors: 19:30
  • Start time: 20:00 - please come on time
  • Entrance: 6-10 € (up to your offer)

Soundperformances by:

Krube ; Sterile Garden ; Lavas/Magmas ; Les Horribles Travailleurs

An evening with live soundart \ tape manipulation \ video \ soundcollages \ musique concrète \ fieldrecordings connected to the 'Psychogeographic Collaboration' - a project by Les Horribles Travailleurs (The Netherlands) ; Sterile Garden (USA) ; Lavas/Magamas(USA). On this evening Krube (Berlin) will also perform.

'Psychogeographic Collaboration'
The subject is The City - and we have sounds of cities intergrated in the sets.

We work with fieldrecordings and other citysounds, also music that has The City as subject, provided beforehand by a soundartists living in the cities we will visit.

Each of us will have a soloset with these citysounds combined with or own material. Video is part of the performances. In some occasions these soundartists will share a stage with us.

In Arnhem and Zürich we have 'artists in residence' projects.

General eventpage: www.facebook.com/events/772204702946608/

Sterile Garden (usa) Industrial soundcollage www.facebook.com/sterilegarden23/

Lavas/Magmas (usa) Experimental psychedelic-industrial music lavasmagmas.bandcamp.com/music 

Les Horribles Travailleurs (eur) Soundpoetry  www.facebook.com/LesHorriblesTravailleurs