17 March 2016 | 20:00

The Pitch plays Molecular Motion #124

Photo: David Helbich

Doors: 19:30
Start time: 20:00

The Pitch plays Molecular Motion

Boris Baltschun, Koen Nutters, Morten J Olsen & Michael Thieke

The Pitch is a Berlin-based quartet founded in 2009. With their acoustic performance they navigate between abstract melody and acoustic drone. Their very own harmonic understanding is based on so-called „pitch set constellations“ with which they develop „liquid music“ (melodic, pattern-based structures) and „frozen“ pieces unfolding in slow-motion.

An intensely focused performance creates an atmosphere where the listener's perception is slowed down to make the smallest sonic details move from background to foreground. The group continually expands into new terrains and playing styles inspired by fundamental states of matter (and variations thereof) - frozen surfaces, gaseous states, plasmatic fibrils, liquid patterns and molecular motion.

Hypnotic – intensely colourful – moving densities – concentrated – slowly-shifting patterns and textures.

with kind support: initiative neue musik berlin e.v