09 February 2019 | 19:00

The Society for Nontrivial Pursuits #521

Doors: 18:30
Start time: 19:00


Complex behaviors, whether in feedback systems, chaotic circuits, social systems and/or computer programs are fascinating objects of study. The Society for Nontrivial Pursuits (students, alumni and associates of the class Generative Art / Computational Art at UdK Berlin) explores the possibility spaces of such systems for experimental performance. They design, build and program their own audio/visual performance systems based on a variety of devices, sensors, analog electronics, and software synthesis, and use them in extremely diverse projects, often intended for performance contexts. 


Lindsay Cammack - air I; songs for algae

Niklas Herlyn - soundstructure exploration

Mengxuan Sun & Timur Tokdemir - AV performance

Kathrin Hunze - Syn .cloud 

Niko Kapanadze / Victor Negri / Isak Han - ?

Peter Blasser + impredictable guests - Flash (mob) appearance

--- break ---

Society for Nontrivial Pursuits - Deep Sea Expedition, 
inspired by Vilem Flusser, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis 
(Kathrin Hunze, Mengxuan Sun, Hana Yoo, M. Wingren, Yoonjoo Lee, 
Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl, Bruno Gola, Kristen Cammack, Isak Han)

M Wingren -  Beep Boop, Ha Ha

Bruno Gola - Latent Space Travel [SW Remix(es)]