TMS - movement(al) distortion(s) #197
Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:30
Entrance 5-10 euro (up to your offer)
Elektronengehirn (Malte Steiner) - Meta-instrument [Stochastic Satz #1-3]
movement(al) distortion(s) by TMS (Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen & Malte Steiner)
movement(al) distortion(s) is an experimental noise-industrial performance, where performative inputs of objects and body(triggered) sounds will be transformed and distorted through the use of analogue electronic manipulation. The feed-ins will happen live and run through various pedals and other self-created DIY manipulators that transform these into a dynamic noise-scape. Translating and modifying movement and interaction with body and objects into sound.
The sources and inputs come from the interaction of the two performers, each bringing physical elements into the shared composition. Sounds from objects and the interaction between body, surfaces and the architectural structures of the space feed into the piece through the use of piezos. Both performers will live manipulate their own generated sounds into an interwoven structure of dynamic noise patterns.
In the piece Meta-instrument [Stochastic Satz #1-3], Elektronengehirn (Malte Steiner) fusions the world of analog modular sound-synthesis with that of software, combining both means of aesthetics to one composition with a focus on the advantages and as well as the limits of each system. The expressiveness of the analog hardware synthesis is communicating with the complex control- and random patterns of software, here created with Pure Data.
Meta-instrument [Stochastic Satz #1-3] is a part of Steiner's research in what he terms a meta-instrument. This concept is grounded in a wish to move beyond traditional means and methods, and create a more systematic approach to audio creation.
Malte Steiner began the project Elektronengehirn in 1996, where it started as a side project to his industrial outfit Notstandskomitee, but it soon developed to take on a more experimental identity of its own. The main features of Steiner's electro-acoustic compositions are that they are primarily done with software with custom made applications, where he uses Max / MSP, Pure Data and Csound. Steiner's sound projects are additionally closely related to his practice as a media artist, where he creates systems, which control and feeds the sound in real time.
TMS is an experimental noise project by artists Malte Steiner and Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen. The format of the TMS project are improvisational sound pieces built out of Steiner and Madsen's sonic interactions, where noise-scapes and complex structures emerges from intense layering of various sonic in- and outputs. The physical interaction with materials is an important part of the format, to create a more performative and visual sound experience. The choice of elements for each piece is important, where each plays an important role in the sound as well as in the visual character when performed.
Listen to TMS on Soundcloud.
Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen is a Danish, Berlin-based independent artist researcher and curator, who works in the intersection between performance art and media. The main focus points of her work are: performative practices, post-humanism and genders studies, internet-based art and networked performance, site specificity, system aesthetics, open technology and sound. Madsen has presented her work internationally in various forms and contexts.
Malte Steiner is a German, Berlin-based media artist, composer and software developer. Steiner started creating electronic sound and visual art around 1983, developing his own vision of the interdisciplinary Gesamtkunstwerk. Steiner's musical projects are primarily the experimental electro-acoustic Elektronengehirn, the industrial outfit Notstandskomitee, Akustikkoppler (with Matthias Schuster), Das Kombinat, Embedded Artist (with Wolfgang Spahn) and TMS (with Tina MK Madsen).