20 July 2017 | 20:00

TU Students in Audiokommunikation & Diemo Schwarz #332

  • Doors: 19:30
  • Start time: 20:00 (sharp - please come on time)
  • Entrance: 5-10 € (up to your offer)

Presentations of works from current Edgar Varèse guest professor class on corpus-based concatenative synthesis

The students will present compositions, installations and live performances using corpus-based concatenative sound synthesis elaborated during the seminar by this semester's DAAD Edgar Varèse guest professor for computer music Diemo Schwarz.

The following pieces will be shown:

  • Jakob Greif: ISCS aka The Jedi 3000. 
    Interactive Spatialised Concatenative Synthesis (installation)

  • Luca Marinelli: Blue for the boys (pink for the girls). 
    The sound of gender (heteronormativity)

  • Jason Horn: Voice controlled corpus based concatenative sound synthesis. 
    Produce sounds that react to the pitch of your voice and enrich them harmonically by holding one tone.

  • Christian Spielvogel: Bringing Scores to Life.
    orpus-based composition

  • Rodrigo Diaz: Drawing sounds in virtual reality

  • Jonas Margraf, Lukas Weidinger, Anyere Bendrien, Olivier Faure-Brac: An Expressive Multidimensional Interface for Corpus-based Concatenative Synthesis. 
    We present a multitouch control interface based on Randy Jones’ Soundplane prototype that has been adapted to navigate a multidimensional corpus of source recordings. Additional features we are implementing include gesture recognition as well as expressive excitation of the corpus through real-time convolution with signals from contact microphones.

  • Sebastian Wolf, Maximilian Weber: Source Swap - a vision for microcosmic expression. 
    Radio shows, podcasts and DJing have their history in selecting and controlling the macroscopic level of a sequence of tracks, their EQs and levels. More modern approaches show a trend towards controlling more microscopic elements, such as: Loops, samples and live elements. We are trying to go one step further. With Corpus-Based Concatenate Synthesis (CBCS) we are controlling more microscopic elements of previously finished tracks - like the whole sample-base of which it was constructed from and the underlying selection, based on high-level audio-features. By this method we explore swapping out the elementary atoms to create something new while maintaining the macroscopic structure and dramaturgic development of the source.



Corpus-based concatenative synthesis (CBCS) allows to create new musical structures from thousands of sound snippets. Thanks to a pertinent description of the timbral characteristics of each segment of the corpus, composition or instrumental play becomes a navigation through the multi-dimensional space of sound characters.

If this navigation is controlled by gesture sensors or tangible objects, CBCS becomes a true instrument with which electronic musicans can reconquer the directness, corporality and expressivity lost in many laptop performances.

The Edgard Varèse guest professorship has been granted to the TU Berlin in 2000. It is financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), aiming at the internationalization of learning and teaching.
More information: http://www.ak.tu-berlin.de/menue/lehre/sommersemester_2017/grundlagen_und_anwendungen_corpusbasierter_concatenativer_klangsynthese