07 November 2017 | 19:30

VJ open lab #4

  • Start time: 19:30
  • Free entrance

A live space for visual minds and bodies.

VJ Open Lab offers the Berlin VJ Community a monthly meeting for inspiration, experimentation, and exchanging of ideas and knowledge in the live video field. Initiated by the VJ Women workshop group formed in Spektrum in spring 2017, VJ Open Lab is a collaborative platform without hierarchy that values joint efforts, partnership, and initiative. VJ Open Lab is open to anyone interested in live visual arts and Vjing. Beginners and visitors are also welcome to join.

Each meeting is divided into 3 parts:

Warm Up: 30 minutes to share ideas and news from the VJ network in Berlin and worldwide. Have you seen lately an inspiring work you want to share? What are the last open calls for VJs? Step out of your online networks, and come to make it live!

Trials-and-Errors: 3 presentations of 10 minutes, followed by a discussion round to answer questions and give productive feedbacks. Come to present your live visual set in progress, your workflow, or even technical issues you wish to solve. You can also present a topic you want to share with the community. Trials-and-errors is made for sharing and learning from each other. If you wish to present a topic or a part of your production during the next meeting please contact the organisation team before the session with the email contact below.

Free play: One VJ per meeting provides a challenge for improvisation (improvisation topic and/or rules prepared in advance), and other VJs have 30 minutes to create a short visual set and then play it live. Everybody is invited to participate. Free play is a time-space to stimulate new ideas and to extend possibilities for your pictures, your bodies, and your minds.

You can find us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/VJOpenLab