25 April 2017 | 10:00 - 28 April 2017 | 17:00

Workshop ➝ AudioVisual Artefacts with Pure Data and Raspberry Pi



:::::: WORKSHOP ::::::

This workshop will introduce participants to a series of tools to create physical and tangible interactions by using two low cost and open source platforms in combination: Raspberry Pi and Pure Data. During the workshop, a series of methods and tools will be explored to fast prototype portable and interactive applications with sensors and network capabilities. The outcome of the participants will be Interactive Artefacts, Custom Interfaces for Music, Visuals and Controllers for Audiovisual performance or installation, including other intermedia applications.

Participants of the workshop will work with prepared audiovisual materials, however the focus is on real time interactions with sound, lights, motion and visuals. This ensemble is useful for diverse implementations, e.g, for live performance, or as embodied and permanent installations.

An Pervasive Artefact can be used to trigger, modulate or process sounds and visuals, that includes the display and process of images within a seamly portable setup. For the workshop you can bring an idea or project to create interaction with sounds, lights and visuals, implemented for artistic, playful, or communicative purposes. Your project would profit from portability, networking and other dynamic qualities for the setup.

{ Day 1 } Sound with Pure Data: Sound Synthesis, Samplers, Sequencers and Modular systems.

{ Day 2 } Visuals with Pure Data (GEM Library): Geometry, Particle systems, Media players, Video synthesizers, Computer vision.

{ Day 3 }Raspberry Pi: Running Pd patches via command line. Visual and Sonic Interactions, Using electronic sensors and networking examples.

{ Day 4 } Workshop day: Finishing projects and Documentation of results.

{ Requirements }

Bring your Mac or PC computer with Pure Data Extended installed on it. Additionally you will need to bring your headphones and Raspberry Pi kit which includes:
- Raspberry Pi 3.
- Ethernet cable (adaptor to your computer if needed) / wifi dongles are good too.
- 8GB Micro SD Card (with adaptor if needed).
- Power supply: micro USB cable (+5.1V / 2.5 Amperes).
You can bring also a MIDI controller or Arduino with sensors, portable battery.

:::::: JUAN C. DUARTE ::::::

Juan C. Duarte is a media artist working on sonic interaction with tangible objects and visuals. He has experience on different projects related to sound interaction with visuals and musical instruments development. From 2015 is Master of Arts in New Media from Aalto University in Finland. During the last 5 years he has carried workshops on creative technology, and presented his work in exhibitions, performances and installations in Europe, Asia and Mexico.

:::::: CC4AV ::::::

CC4AV is a platform for collaborative experiments with technology, sound, design and visual art. CC4AV organises creative coding for live audio and visual workshops, audio/visual events and meetups in Berlin.

Curator — Irina Spicaka is a Berlin-based digital media artist, UX/UI designer and founder of CC4AV.