Workshop 'Machine learning for artists' with Gene Kogan
On Saturday 1 October, 13:00 - 17:00, Gene Kogan will be leading the workshop 'Machine learning for artists' at SPEKTRUM.
This workshop introduces the theory and application of machine learning for creative and artistic practice. It will focus on core algorithms used for parsing, visualizing, and discovering patterns in complex multimedia data, including images, sounds, and text. We will learn how to use neural networks to create real-time, cross-modal interactions for use in video and installation, as well as live music performance. We will also provide tools and code for clustering and visualizing large collections of multimedia.
Prior coding experience in a text-based (Python, Java, C++) or patch-based (Max/MSP) programming environment is helpful but not necessary.
- Time and date: Saturday 1 October, 13:00 - 17:00
- Registration: as there is a limited number of participants, please complete this form if you want to join
With support by the Senatskanzlei - Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / Spartenübergreifende Förderung künstlerischer und kultureller Projekte