15 May 2018 | 18:30

XEN presents Prototypes: Quantum leaps in trans-semiotics through psycho-analytical snail serum

  • Doors: 19:30
  • Start time: 20:00
  • Entrance: 6€ 

Lou Drago and Pedro Marum of XenoEntities Network are pleased to reprise Quantum leaps in trans-semiotics through psycho-analytical snail serum. The evening will consist of a presentation of Prototypes in conversation with the director, Doireann O’Malley.

Prototypes is a series of dreamscapes interrogating trans-semiotics through psychoanalytic practices, speculative technologies and live action role-playing. 

The recurring iconography of snails, hermaphroditic creatures, reminds us that humanity has always carefully selected from the vast array of non-human subjects to uphold its view of what is constitutive of being natural.

In psychoanalytic sessions, the protagonists revisit their various dreamscapes, rendering new interpretations of past experiences and speculative futures, opening doors to a denaturalized and postgender cosmogony where bodies are hybridised and semantic limitations defied. One protagonist professes that the experience of taking testosterone feels like a sci-fi movie, suggesting that this depicted version of reality is one formerly unimaginable. 

Yet, in Prototypes, we find ourselves at the epitome of technological development and gender deconstructionism at the Institute for the Enrichment of Computer Aided Post Gendered Prototypes that offers alter-subjectivities beyond the limits of language and medical technologies of bodily transformation. 


This program had its first iteration in collaboration with Bob’s Pogo Bar at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, a program curated by Maurin Dietrich and Cathrin Mayer.